The Brighton Zen Sauna is a 1 person infrared Sauna that is ideal for home use. See the Brighton Zen Sauna Review below or use the links to buy.
The industry is littered with sauna operators who will do anything to get you to buy their infrared saunas. They like to tell you everything about it, but why not see them sitting and using it or getting dirty while assembling it? It’s not my fault, I just didn’t know what I was missing and I forgot I’d ever heard of it. This is very common and is used by sauna companies on the left and right.
Slick sellers will constantly advertise the full spectrum of infrared technology, but most of the time they don’t even use the brand they’re talking about. After ordering countless saunas and documenting the entire process, I found out which ones are legitimate and which sauna operations are really shit. Despite all the information that is shoved down your throat to gain access, you will never find a company that meets your needs. I just forgot to buy it, and I’m still not sure if this book is legitimate.
Brighton Zen Infrared 1 Person Sauna Review
Later I found that most sauna companies regularly lie in their marketing because the industry is not regulated. They lie about their EF levels in Amazon saunas you buy and Costco saunas, and while a company is reported to have an EMF sauna, you cannot actually read EF.
That’s why I started this review and created the best infrared sauna site, and I’m sure you are too. You can search my YouTube channel for these links and learn that I have posted over 50 infrared sauna review videos in the last 6 months. Please use the Contact tab here in the blog to leave comments below, ask me questions about the sauna or submit a question for a video answer.
The detailed review of the sauna is above, but I recommend taking a few minutes longer to read the whole page, because you may be in a hurry and want to order a sauna today. For safety reasons, at low EMFS, you can only buy the best infrared saunas from the certified sauna list, and Luxo saunas are RoHS certified for peace of mind and free from hazardous and harmful chemicals. All the above infrared sauna tests must make the cut to be included in the Certified Suna List, and you may be looking for an order.
Zen Brighton 1 Person Sauna Dimensions:
Sauna cabins and the Ziv015 sauna cabin with a 1.50 m long, 2 m long, 1 m high, 3 cm large, 6 x 6 m ² cabin with a 30 cm thick wall.
The sauna has a half-glass window on the front wall from which you can view the spectacular surroundings. It has 8 carbon fiber heating panels that ensure that the far-infrared radiation is evenly distributed throughout the cabin, not just over the cabins. As you relax in the gentle infrared heat, your body works hard to produce sweat, circulate your blood and burn calories. Although your cortisol levels remain relatively stable in an infrared sauna, they drop quite drastically after an infrared cure, leading to a dramatic reduction in blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature. In saunas you can enjoy and relax without heat as long as you relax in the heat.
Zen Brighton 1 Person Infrared Sauna Colours:
The Zen Brighton comes in a number of colours of the special Canadian Hemlock Wood to fit your home. The colours of the Zen Brighton one person sauna are:
- Red
- Green
- Yellow
- Blue
- Brown
- White
- Natural

I knew I needed a sauna before I was ready to drive around town for a 30-day niacin detox, but I didn’t really know I needed it until I got rid of my mercury fatigue. After a few days of getting rid of mercury and fatigue, I finally knew that the sauna sessions were needed.
So I started researching the best infrared saunas, watching YouTube videos and reviews, and digesting all the big brands with the best ratings that have good infrared tans for the home. In summary, I found that I trusted only the ratings of people to whom they actually belonged. I quickly learned that you can’t trust ratings from people who don’t show their personal experience with the sauna. So I hope that these “real” infrared sauna reviews will make your life a little easier when it comes to buying an infrared sauna for your home.
If you’re looking for the best infrared saunas for 2020, I found that there are 17 sauna brands I’d recommend # I have checked in the last 3 years. You won’t find all of them here, and no one had time to write a review for me.
None of these people have ever taken up a sauna in their entire lives and I am shocked at how much these saunas have changed their lives for the better. The probability is that the person in the pictures and live videos of the saunas is from another sauna brand, but you have not seen them talking about it. What happens when an old sauna company, which has beaten them quite badly in their ratings, sets up a new shop and a new company and starts selling them? ve talked about it all my life I don’t see them talking about what I’m talking about with them.