Which sauna is better infrared or traditional?

There is no definitive answer as both types of saunas offer unique benefits, so it ultimately depends on personal preference and desired therapeutic effects.

What are Infrared Saunas Better at than Tradtional Saunas?

Infrared saunas are a relatively new addition to the sauna world, and they offer a number of unique benefits compared to traditional saunas. Here are some conditions, ailments, and health benefits that infrared saunas excel at:

  1. Detoxification: Infrared saunas penetrate deeper into the skin and tissues, which can help to release toxins and heavy metals from the body.
  2. Cardiovascular health: Infrared saunas have been shown to improve circulation and lower blood pressure, which can have a positive impact on heart health.
  3. Pain relief: The heat from infrared saunas can penetrate deeper into muscles and joints, which can help to relieve pain and stiffness.
  4. Skin health: Infrared saunas can improve skin tone and texture, as well as reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  5. Weight loss: Infrared saunas can help to increase metabolism and burn calories, making them a useful tool for weight loss.
  6. Immune system support: The heat from infrared saunas can help to boost the immune system and stimulate the production of white blood cells.

While traditional saunas are still a great option for relaxation and stress relief, infrared saunas offer a range of additional health benefits that make them worth considering for those looking to improve their overall health and wellbeing.

What are Tradtional Saunas Better at than Infrared Saunas?

Traditional saunas have been used for centuries and offer unique benefits that infrared saunas cannot replicate. Here are some conditions, ailments, and health benefits that traditional saunas excel at:

  1. Respiratory health: Traditional saunas produce steam, which can help to open up the airways and improve breathing for those with respiratory issues.
  2. Mental health: The heat and relaxation of a traditional sauna can help to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as promote better sleep.
  3. Skin health: The steam from traditional saunas can help to unclog pores and improve skin texture, as well as reduce the appearance of acne and other skin conditions.
  4. Social benefits: Traditional saunas are often used in communal settings, which can provide a sense of community and connection that infrared saunas cannot replicate.
  5. Pain relief: The heat from traditional saunas can help to relieve muscle and joint pain, as well as reduce inflammation.

While infrared saunas offer a range of unique benefits, traditional saunas still have a lot to offer in terms of physical and mental health benefits. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to personal preference and individual health goals.

What is the Difference between a Traditional Sauna and a Infrared Sauna?

Traditional saunas and infrared saunas offer unique sauna experiences with distinct technical, heating, design, and health benefits. Here are some key differences:

  1. Technical differences: Traditional saunas use heated rocks or steam to generate heat, while infrared saunas use special lamps or heating elements to emit infrared radiation.
  2. Heating differences: Traditional saunas heat the air, which in turn heats the body, while infrared saunas use infrared radiation to directly heat the body.
  3. Design differences: Traditional saunas are typically made of wood and have a stove or heater in the center, while infrared saunas may be made of wood or other materials and have infrared lamps or heating elements mounted on the walls.
  4. Health benefit differences: Traditional saunas are better at promoting relaxation, improving respiratory health, and providing a communal experience, while infrared saunas are better at detoxification, promoting cardiovascular health, and relieving pain.

Overall, both traditional saunas and infrared saunas have their unique advantages and are effective in promoting health and relaxation. It is up to personal preference and desired health benefits to decide which sauna experience is best for each individual.

Which are cheaper to run Tradional Saunas or Infrared Saunas?

The cost of running a sauna, whether traditional or infrared, depends on a number of factors, including the size of the sauna, the duration of use, and the local energy rates. Here’s a listicle comparing the price of running traditional saunas and infrared saunas:

  1. Energy efficiency: Infrared saunas are generally more energy-efficient than traditional saunas, as they use less power to heat the body directly rather than heating the entire room.
  2. Upfront costs: Traditional saunas are often cheaper to purchase upfront, as they have been around for longer and have a more established market.
  3. Maintenance costs: Traditional saunas require more maintenance, such as cleaning and replacing rocks or steam generators, which can add to the overall cost of ownership.
  4. Local energy rates: The cost of running a sauna will vary depending on the local energy rates in the area.

Overall, the cost of running a sauna will depend on various factors, and it’s difficult to say definitively which type of sauna is cheaper to run. If you would like to know how much a sauna costs to run a sauna session, consult your local energy rates and consider the specific model and usage of your sauna or read our blog post here.

Which are better for weightloss infrared or traditional Saunas?

Both traditional saunas and infrared saunas can aid in weight loss, with Infrared edging in to be the better sauna option for weight loss. , but neither should be relied upon as the sole method for losing weight.

Traditional saunas and infrared saunas can help with weight loss in different ways. Here are some benefits and comparisons:

Benefits of traditional saunas for weight loss:

  1. Increased heart rate: The heat from traditional saunas can increase heart rate, which can help burn calories and promote weight loss.
  2. Reduced stress: Traditional saunas can reduce stress, which can decrease the levels of cortisol, a hormone linked to weight gain.

Benefits of infrared saunas for weight loss:

  1. Increased metabolism: Infrared saunas can increase metabolism and promote the burning of calories.
  2. Detoxification: Infrared saunas can help to remove toxins from the body, which can aid in weight loss.


  1. Both traditional and infrared saunas can increase heart rate and metabolism, promoting calorie burning and weight loss.
  2. Infrared saunas may be more effective at detoxification, which can aid in weight loss.
  3. Traditional saunas may be more effective at reducing stress, which can help decrease cortisol levels and aid in weight loss.

Overall, while both types of saunas can aid in weight loss, they should not be relied upon as the sole method for losing weight. A balanced diet and exercise program are also essential for achieving weight loss goals.

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